Museum in a Tab: Chrome Extension

Science Museum Group Collection Chrome Browser Extension

John Stack
Science Museum Group Digital Lab


Through the Digital Lab, we are seeking new ways to introduce audiences to the Science Museum Group Collection. We’ve been inspired by a number of projects that have developed Chrome browser extensions that serve random collections items as new browser tabs are opened. Here are some fun examples:

Fortunately, our public collection API supports a random parameter so this it is relatively trivial to implement something that presents an random object from the collection.

Visit the Chrome Web Store to install the extension

Safari and Firefox, we love you too

If you’re using Firefox or Safari, it’s still possible to add this feature to your browser by setting your homepage to the preview page.

The open source code

The extension code is available under the MIT Licence on the Science Museum Group’s GitHub account. So, feel free build on it, wire it up to other collections and generally, do whatever you want with it.


In building this extension, I shamelessly ‘borrowed’ from the Group’s Random Object Generator (created by Jamie Unwin).

